Donate to the ERC
Thank you for choosing to support the Rotary Club of Elmira.

Please select the type of donation to the Elmira Rotary Club.
Happy Dollars & 'fines' (Goes to the Elmira Charitable Fund)
Special Project (President Community Service Project: Wheel Chair Glider Swing at Eldridge Park)
50/50 (Weekly drawing, the winner gets 50%/ Elmira Rotary Club gets 50%)
Birthday Fund (Goes to the Elmira Charitable Fund)
General Donation (Goes to the Elmira Charitable Fund)
{To donate to a specific project, select the "I'd like to dedicate my donation in honor. . ." option and add the project as the honoree name}
{To donate to a specific project, select the "I'd like to dedicate my donation in honor. . ." option and add the project as the honoree name}
Donate to the Rotary Foundation of Rotary International
If you would prefer to mail a check, make check payable to: Rotary Club Of Elmira Charitable Fund Inc
And mail the check to:
Elmira Rotary Club
P.O.Box 941
Elmira NY 14902-0941
P.O.Box 941
Elmira NY 14902-0941
The Rotary Club Of Elmira Charitable Fund Inc is a non-profit corporation recognized as a tax-exempt organization under Internal Revenue Service code 501(c)(3).
Your donation may be tax-deductible. Tax ID: 16-1388918